Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Lambert Academy - Shady Practice?

I just got back from coastal village this morning and so happy to be able to check my email, fb and twitter. An email from Sophie Campbell got my attention:

Dear Kuntum Melati,

I became aware of your affiliation with the Gadjah Mada University within the framework of your postgraduate studies, through your friend BK, who is one of our contented authors.

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing House is a member of an international group specializing since 2002 in the publication of dissertations and high-quality theses from respected institutions worldwide.
For your information, our company is an associate member of the American Booksellers' Association (w w w . b o o k w e b . o r g) and the Booksellers' Association (w w w . b o o k s e l l e r s . o r g . u k) of the UK and Ireland.

Upon a successful in-house evaluation of your work, we propose to make it available globally and market it at no cost to you through prestigious book distributors, for e.g. Amazon, Lightning Source and MoreBooks. Your book would thus be available at more than 80,000 booksellers worldwide.

Kindly confirm your interest in receiving a detailed brochure as attachment.

Your reply including an E-mail Address to which I can send an e-mail with further information in an attachment will be greatly appreciated.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
Sophie Campbell
Acquisition Editor

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing is a trademark of:
AV Akademikerverlag GmbH & Co. KG

Heinrich-Böcking-Str. 6-8,
66121, Saarbrücken, Germany / w w w . l a p – p u b l i s h i n g . c o m

Handelsregister Amtsgericht Saarbrücken HRA 10356
Identification Number (Verkehrsnummer): 11868
Partner with unlimited liability: VDM Management GmbH
Handelsregister Amtsgericht Saarbrücken HRB 18918
Managing directors: Thorsten Ohm (CEO), Dr. Wolfgang Philipp Müller, Esther von Krosigk

Honestly, for a second there I am quite surprised and think that this is a positive sign. However, I tried to check it online and found in some blog that this could lead into some shady practice. Although you will eventually get 5 copies of your work and maybe it would be nice to have it on your bookshelf, well i don't think I will trust them to do that. If you want to get your thesis or writings to be published, maybe you can contact your university or trusted publisher that you know.
You can check below blog and their experience/stories about Lambert Academy:

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